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CANADA UFO NEWS Newsfeed on 18.11.2012 um 16:13 (UTC)

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ufodigest on 18.11.2012 um 15:36 (UTC)

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The big announcement: NASA finds alien life? In California?
By Alexandra Petri on 15.11.2012 um 12:02 (UTC)
 If NASA's big 2:00 p.m. announcement is what people are saying it is (Update, 1:08 p.m: And it is!) then scientist Felisa Wolfe Simon has discovered a form of bacteria whose DNA uses arsenic instead of phosphorus -- unlike any other life form on earth. I picture this bacteria as sort of a hipster. "Oh, you're still using phosphorus?" it asks. "Yeah, I liked phosphorus during its blue period, but I've moved on to arsenic." "Isn't that lethal?" a regular earth bacteria asks, nervously. "It's an acquired taste," the arsenic bacteria responds.

Apparently, the place to find this sort of bacteria is Mono Lake, California. Admittedly, the announcement that someone has found a totally alien life-form in California is not exactly breaking news. Usually the California response to finding completely alien life is to give it a reality TV show.

Still, this is big news.

At first the headline "NASA finds new life" made me think that NASA was giving up astronomy, getting a haircut, and finally applying to law school. But no! NASA has found a life, not for itself, but for the rest of us, similar to the plot of the final Matrix movie. This life form doesn't follow the rules that all other life-forms must follow in terms of its DNA composition (arsenic instead of phosphorus), hobbies (living in poisonous lakes), and musical preferences (this.)

This means that we've been looking for the wrong conditions for life this whole time! I blame all those movies that depicted aliens as vaguely humanoid, or at least capable of speaking fairly solid English. Now we have to rethink all our assumptions! It's like when you arrive at your aunt's home and assume there will be WiFi, because without WiFi it is impossible for semi-intelligent life to survive. But instead there's just a lot of Perry Como records and those figurines with moving magnetic ice skaters.

I wonder what they think about us. "If Zorg had intended us to reproduce sexually, he would have created Adam and Eve, not Asexual Zimac Progenitor Of All," they murmur to themselves.

Still, I have to ask: can't we ever find a new life form that's even moderately attractive? I know kittens are a once-in-a-planetary-lifetime discovery, but I'd even be okay with a new life form that looked like Jennifer Aniston! Or, heck, Matthew Gray Gubler! He's a fine-looking individual!

But instead, we get arsenic-based bacteria -- which are wondrous and beautiful, of course, in the sense that you have to say your neighbors' children are wondrous and beautiful no matter how much they look like whoever designed their faces got bored halfway through and quit. Then again, I say this now, but these arsenic-based guys will probably be the last ones standing after whatever it is that's going to happen in 2012 occurs.

But what is it doing in California? Well, if it can live on arsenic, it might have a fighting chance in the entertainment industry.


Published: 8:42PM BST 24 Jun 2008
Dutch prepare for Maya apocalypse on 09.03.2010 um 14:07 (UTC)
 On December 21 2012, the "Long Count" calendar of the Maya people clicks over to year zero, marking the end of a 5,000-year era.

Belying their country's rational and laid back image, thousands of Dutch people are convinced the date coincides with a world catastrophe, the Volkskrant newspaper reports.

Petra Faile and her husband have bought a life raft and other survival equipment in preparation for Armageddon.

"In another four years it will all be over," she said.

"You know maybe it's really not that bad that the Netherlands will be destroyed. I don't like it here any more."

Mrs Faile said she was concerned that immigration was pushing the Netherlands, a low lying country protected by dikes and sea walls, beneath the waves.

"They keep letting people in. And then we have to build more houses, which makes the Netherlands even heavier. The country will sink even lower, which will make the flooding worse," she said.

The ancient Maya civilisation, celebrated for its advanced writing, mathematics and astronomy, flourished in Mesoamerica for six centuries from AD300.

Its calendar, which fell out of use after the Spanish conquest, covers 5,126 years and then resets at year zero on December 21, 2012.

Popular books, such as Apocalypse 2012: A Scientific Investigation Into Civilization's End or 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, have spawned a global movement.

As the clock ticks on the date, the Mayan calendar has assumed new significance for people who believe humanity is creating ecological disasters and needs to learn from ancient wisdom.

Date: October 1994, Location: Killeen, Texas
Source: UFO Wisconsin Report by Christina C. on 09.03.2010 um 13:56 (UTC)
 I don't remember the exact date, but my son was not yet walking, he was still using a walker, so he must have been around 6 months old. He was born in April 1994. The strange thing is I don't remember going to bed that night. My son slept in the same room as me and my ex. His crib was next to the window.

I woke up because I heard him crying, it was dark, just a little light shining through the drawn window shades. I went to his crib and reached down to pick him up, but he was not there! I could still hear him crying, and I frantically felt all over the crib thinking he had rolled away from me, but he was not there!

His crying had taken on an echoing sound! I yelled to his father but he never moved. I went to the other side of the room to turn on the light, but it would not come on! I went back to the crib, a bright light flashed on and was beaming through the window, and there he was, still crying, very upset, I picked him up and hugged him close, I pulled back the shade to see where the light was coming from, there, directly above the house was a very large triangle shaped object. It was very low, and larger than the house. If I had been on the roof I could have touched it!

It was astonishing! I could not believe my eyes! It made NO SOUND!

It was moving very slowly, I looked around to see if anyone was outside, all the houses were dark, nobody else was seeing this. I got scared and dropped the shade and backed away from the window, and the light blinked out.

I stood there for a long time rocking my son back to sleep. When I got the courage up to look again, it was gone. I went back to my bed, I put my son between me and his father, and somehow managed to fall back to sleep.

The next morning I woke up, my baby was still next to me.

Strangely enough I did not remember a thing, and wondered how he got there. It was not until later in the evening that it all came back. When I remembered, I quickly checked my boy over, there were no strange marks or anything wrong with him. He was fine, but I found a strange mark on my leg, it felt like there was a bb or something under the skin, it rolled around when I prodded it.

I was horrified, and scared and I told nobody but my mom. The mark is still there, but whatever was rolling around is either gone or buried in the muscle now.

It freaks me out to this day. That is just one of many strange experiences I have had.

It makes me scared and angry to think this thing that has plagued me my whole life could now plague my family as well. I live on the outskirts of the largest military base in the U.S, but what I saw was nothing from there, I have lived here since the age of 9, I am used to the aircraft from there, believe me, this was not from the base!(Ft. Hood, TX)

Date of sighting is approximate.


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