UFOS and Aliens
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Alien Contact
fromthestars | Those in control on planet Earth do not want us to pledge ourrnallegiance to ETs who are benevolent and loving.rnrnMay all your close encountersrnbe of the Light!rnrn | 10.11.2012 19:29 (UTC) | 278 Clicks |
crowdedskie | We have files and pictures on the grey alien, crop circles, the DULCE papers, abductions, mutilations, rendlesham forest and much more.rnrnCrowdedskies welcomes any partners and we are always looking for new content in the form of ufo pictures, ufo videos, alien pictures and alien videos to add to our expanding online resource. If you have any ufo or alien pictures, videos or files not currently on the site then please email them to us for inclusion.rnrn | 10.11.2012 19:17 (UTC) | 260 Clicks |
area 51 | Die besten Verschwörungstheorien 2012 - Das Forum zu Verschwörungen. Begriffe: Weltverschwörung, Verschwörungstheorie, Geheimgesellschaften, Weltherrschaft novus ordo seclorum, Verschwörungstheoretiker, Skeptiker.rn | 10.11.2012 19:12 (UTC) | 243 Clicks |
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