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UFOs Over America - Dedicated to information about Ufo sightings, Ufo photos, Ufo stories, Ufo encounters, and links to other UFO sites.
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UFO Sighting in Northwest Georgia
  DaSubject: What I just saw.
Ok,Here's my story.

I live in a small town called Chatsworth,It's in northwest Georgia. I was just outside, I was walking around enjoying the clear night and I saw this bright light, I thought it was a star until it started to move, I have never seen a plane or anything move like this, It would go from side to side covering at least 2 miles in the blink of an eye. Then it would go up and down just as far and as fast. It would be there one sec and gone the next and then back again. It was a bright white light, then it would pulsate blue, green and a redish color. I am still in shock, I couldn't get a photo but I saw it and no one will believe me...

Has anyone ever reported seeing anything like what I saw?

te: Thu, 20 Mar 2003
A true believer....


UFO Sighting in Overland Park, Kansas

  Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2003
A sighting from the Early Eighties

This sighting took place in South Central PA, betweeen New Oxford and Hanover.My then wife,(now ex-wife) were heading home after being at a party at my brother in laws house. Yes we had been drinking, but I've never hallucinated anything while drinking. I had always been interested in UFOs and psychic phenomenon, so I looked up and I saw thing weird thing in the sky. It was about 1:30-2:00AM. It looked like an odd shaped bubble blob that was lit from the inside with red and green and blue lights. As it moved across the sky we were driving south the blobby bubble kind of rolled across the sky, changing shape as it moved. My wife saw it, but was really not too concerned about it. I knew it was something though. It sooned disappeared behind the hills. That's not all. About 3 minutes later, we we still heading south on the same road, and there it was again up in the sky moving across the horizon in front of us. I knew at that point, it seemed as though it wanted us to make sure we saw it. I would have to estimate the thing was about a mile or less away from us when we saw it both times. I've been watching the stuff on the history channel over the last few nights and this has resparked my interest. Another story, a friend told me about. He was a teeneager back in mid 70's and he was riding his bike home from his friends house around 12:00 midnight. It was a winding road through the woods and then went past a school. He said this big oval shaped thing slowly moved past him in front of him, a few hundred feet high and several hundred feet in front of him. He said it was totally black and made no noise. He had to ride his bike under it to get home, and he said he was afraid he was not going to make it, but he went under it, and raced his bike home as fast as he could.

Thanks for this site, I know there's something to this UFO thing, I just don't know what


 Farmersville / Germantown Ohio Sightings
  Date:  Mon, 16 Dec 2002
Farmersville/germantown Ohio Sightings

My name is Jay and me and my family well atleast a lot of us have had UF.O encounters. All of these sightings have happened in
farmersville and Germantown. I'll start with mine. My first was........... I was about five years old and I still remmeber this chrystal clear but me and my grandma were outside playing then I looked up in the sky it was brod daylight and not a cloud in the sky so I know what I saw and when I looked up I saw a silver type disc and I just remeber it moving a long at a slow pace and after that I do not remember what happened it was like everything stopped after that.



In my second one which was also at my grandmas in farmersville when I was in the fourth grade so I was about 10 or 11. We were sitting down watching T.V and suddenly the phone rang. It was my grandmas sister my aunt chuckie she said Betty thats my grandma; Betty!!! Look outside. Theres somthing out there. My aunt Chuckie lives just up the street so she saw it aswell. So we went outside It was dark out tonight but this thing really stood out It was a huge orb with a red white and blue other orbs in one. I
was really scared from seeing the first one so after I saw this I looked at it for a minute and ran inside crying. NOw this one doesnt have to do with me but with my family it does.
My cousin dawn she lived in germantown on a farm at the time. It was in the middle of the night and she said she suddenly wake up and felt like she needed to go into her parents room.
So she got up and went into the room and she saw her parents standing at the window. She walked up to them and looked out the window and there was a huge circular object floating a couple feet above there pond sucking up the water. She said it had a cloud type thing around it for amouflague but you could see lights and its shape. Then it dissapeared within the blink of an eye.
This fourth story has to do with my aunt Loise. She also lives in Farmersville on a farm. ONe night she was sleeping on the couch because she didnt feel good that night. She woke up that night to here an earie noise. And lights coming in through the window and went she looked out the windo the lights were poring through and she saw and object on the ground she then ran back to the couch and fell asleep trying to hide from it. These are the encounters from my family.


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UFO Sighting in Stockton

Aliens Among Us

  Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003
The night was like dayl

Stockton, Ca .late sixties. I was about 4 or 5 at the time. Me and several family members saw a "sun" come across the night sky with sparks shooting off of it. It made the night look like day as it lit up the street. It went from north to south and was visible only a few moments. we all still remember and are still in awe. We wonder what it was and if others saw it too. I personally have 'memories" of ,let's just say 'The little Girl was crying because she wanted her mommy" and the little blue doctors were scary looking. The tall one spoke with my mind.
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UFO sightings revealed in UK
archive files from 1990s

  These were known astronomical or meteorological phenomena, mistaken identification of conventional aircraft, optical illusions and psychological delusions, or
Thousands of UFOs have been spotted in the last 20 years around the UK, according to newly released documents.More than 6,000 pages of reports describe people's experiences with unidentified flying objects between 1994 and 2000.They include reported sightings over Chelsea Football Club and former home secretary Michael Howard's Kent home.have been released under a three-year project between the Ministry of Defence and The National Archives.

The fifth instalment to be released consists of 24 files of sightings, letters and Parliamentary questions, which are available to view online.The reports detail how objects of various shapes and sizes have been witnessed flying over a range of locations.Some drawings by witnesses have also been released.One man told police he was physically sick and developed a "skin condition" after an eerie "tube of light" enveloped his car in Ebbw Vale, Blaenau Gwent, on 27 January, 1997. In another case, a UFO sighted by Boston and Skegness police, in Lincolnshire, was captured on film.
The photograph was seen while watching a Dallas-Ft.Worth Texas web cam. It shows two objects, which are unidentified at this time. Ten seconds later, the cam refreshed, and the objects were gone. Web cam view is from The cam points northeast, and looks at the skies over far north Fort Worth, Keller, Southlake, Colleyville and Grapevine, TX, plus shows the airspace for both Fort Worth Alliance Airport and Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.


February 26, 2008-UFO researcher Luis Burgos of the Fundacion Argentina de Ovnilogia (FAO -Argentinean Ufological Foundation), has provided us with pictures taken by Marta Fourcade, a native of Buenos Aires who captured an alleged UFO over Lago Menendez, located in the Los Alerces National Park near the Torrecillas Glacier. Ms. Fourcade employed a Kodak Easy Share 1003 in taking the photo. According to Burgos, Ms. Fourcade was only aware of the object after downloading to her computer.



Mutual UFO Network

National UFO Reporting Center



My husband and I were out at a lake picnic, and decided to take pictures of birds. I had spotted a nest with a bird flying around and decided to pull to the side of the road to take a picture of a bird that had landed on top of a post. I didn't have time until weeks later to put the pictures on my computer. Afterwards, I noticed something strange in the background. After using zoom on my browser on the picture, we couldn't identify what it was.


Each year, me and my friends travel to Myrtle Beach for a long weekend of golfing. This year, I decided to bring along my camera, and take some shots of the houses along a golf course for my fiance. I first noticed the object not when I was taking the picture, but after I put them on my computer a couple days ago which came as a surprise to me. The images are authentic, no cropping, photoshopping, or image clarifying was done to them. They were shot with a Canon Powershot 8.0 camera.
  I was fishing on Lake Trinity, and heard the sound of an aircraft engine. It was a very low frequency sound, but I felt it more than I could actually hear it. I only had an older Sony digital camera with me. I snapped 4 pictures before the camera shut off, only one came out when I read the disk. I observed the aircraft until it vanished. It flew straight and level. I was unable to guage its size since I had no reference. But a best guess, I would say it was as big as a medium sized airliner.

The photographer was on holiday in Florence, Italy, and late morning took a photo of the River Arno, which flows through the city. He was not watching the sky. Later, when he arrived back in England, he transfered his images from his camera to his computer, and printed some of the best ones. He was surprised to see an unknown object in one of them.Sacramento, California, 2008-These photos are a sequence of a military plane, along with something unidentified. They were flying behind photographer's house. Mather Air Base in about 8 miles from my house. The photographer sent along eight photographs, all of them containing an object of unknown origin. I picked the best one to display here. Object appears to be disc-shaped.Photographer left bar to go home. As he walked outside, he looked up and noticed three lights in the sky. He heard someone say, "What's that?" He replied that he didn't know. Several others watched the objects, with several of them taking photographs. The lights moved seemingly independent of each other. Two lights faded away, and one stayed longer. As the other light was moving away, a small airplane flew into that airspace. The witnesses felt that they had seen something out of the ordinary.
  Photographer was checking out some photos he took during a flight from Rome to Amman, on the 30th of January 2008. He didn't see any strange object while aboard, but later discovered something unusual in one of the pictures. The sighting was over Cyprus-16:48 local time of Italy. The shape of the UFO is classic, low edges and domed center, far from the plane, and reflecting the orange setting sun rays.


Photograph taken during rain storm at 10:35 PM. There was a lot of lightning and wind. Photographer parked car in garage, and noticed sky was lit up for about two seconds. He snapped a quick picture. He later discovered the unknown object in the photograph.
A UFO was captured on camera as a Southport nature enthusiast snapped away at Sunday’s twister. Father-of-four Pat Regan, 51, of Sandbrook Road, was shocked when he looked at his pictures and noticed the unidentified object to the left of the funnel cloud. Mr Regan, who runs child care facilities in Formby, was fishing in Rufford Canal with his seven-year-old daughter Jasmine when the twister started.

Taken by Marcelo Leonardo. He lives in Campinas, Brazil. Photograph taken in Santa Catarina, Brazil in Urubici Hills. The object has a boomerang shape when you blow up the picture. The photographer stated: "I was on vacation in Urubici Hills in Santa Catarina State in Brazil. This picture was taken near CINDACTA base. In this picture there appeared a strange object that I could not identify.


I was on a photo assignment in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. I went up on the second story of a small building to take some panorama shots of the mountains in the background and the area in general. While doing my pre-edit of the photos that evening is when I first noticed the object on the screen on my camera Canon 40D.Note the object was moving so fast my naked eye never noticed it until that evening while I was doing my pre-edit.Photograph was taken on May 14, 2008. Photographer was taking snaps of storm clouds over Eastland County, Texas. She noticed nothing out of the ordinary in the skies as she took her photograph. However, when uploading the images to her computer, she noticed a photograph with some blurry objects, and as she continued, saw another photograph with a very clear capture of a disc-shaped object, which appeared just above a line of trees.

  Arturo Robles Gil writes, "Here is this controversial photo of this object that suggests a flying disk in a magnified size, unfortunately my position has to be on the skeptical and objective side. It is more easy to think that this object is a balloon rather than a truly flying disc."The shape does not correspond with a metallic flat surface, instead the surface criteria is more on the side of the possibility of a balloon. Sometimes projection and incidence of the light can transform the shape that anyone could be confused."

The photographer states: "I saw a beam of light and I have 2 photos. The first is a photo of Jackfish bridge with a disk shaped object, and a beam of light just missing it. The object has a bright area on top of it, almost like a cloud and a possible contrail or object trailing behind it. It's almost like a dragonfly captured in a digital image, but I don't think it is."

  Photograph by Carmen Padila. They were taken on July 14, 2006 at about 7:00 P.M. There were three witnesses to the object. Witness says, "Yes it was moving; then it stopped for about 10 minutes. I took the picture with a cell phone camera, and also a Kodak camera. Both have the same pictures. We were at the pool, and the kids got my attention. They were saying, 'Look! Look!, it's 'War of the Worlds.' I looked at what they were pointing out to me, and well... the rest is in the pictures."

Przemysl, Woj.Podkarpackie, Poland-Time: 10:20 AM. Photos were taken by Jadvigha Zshmouda from Przemysl. The photos were taken with a digital camera from a balcony of her flat. The witness didn't see the objects and she is shocked by the fact that they were so close to her. A fragment of the witness' statement: "On photos taken by me on 18th February 2006, at around 10:20 AM, I noticed something rather odd. I took these photos from a balcony of my flat with my digital camera because the weather was good and clear. I must add that I'm a rationalist and to be honest I don't believe in any UFOs and similar stuff. But the thing I saw on the photo surprised me.2006-East Texas-About 3:00 PM. The witness states: "I took this photo of clouds above me, but didn't notice the object until later. I took 5 photos of this cloud sight in burst mode and the object was only in the first photo that I could find. This tells me again that you have to click the camera button at the exact right time to catch these things because they travel so fast. It was fairly easy to see that this object is saucer shaped, with a dome that has ports or windows, definitely a structured object."

UFO CASES 1990 - 2009

Two UFO Sightings in Germany

There have been two very compelling accounts of UFOs from Germany that have come to my attention. I believe they are worthy of being published.
  Our first sighting report comes from a man who claims to have had other sightings of unknown objects in the skies, but he felt that with additional information, they could possibly be explained as earthly objects. But, not so with what he saw in May, 2007. His sighting occurred between 01:00 AM and 01:50 AM.


The witness noticed an orange light approaching from the west. It was very bright, having the brilliance of landing lights on a passenger plane, but had no position lights, and the brightness made it impossible to discern a shape. It was moving slowly, and was below the clouds as it made its way across the sky. After twenty seconds or so, the object was obscured by the roof of the house.The man's brother and sister-in-law were alerted to the presence of the object, and all three clearly saw it before it disappeared beyond the roof. The three witnesses were discussing the fact that no noise came from the object, when an identical second object appeared. Only 30 seconds had passed since the first object had passed over the house.
  The house was located some 50 miles from the Frankfurt Airport, and it was very common to see high flying commercial aircraft, as well as low flying private aircraft. All of these planes could easily be heard as they passed over, but not the two objects they had just seen.


The three witnesses moved to the garden in an attempt to get a better view of the second object. They could see it flying in a straight line, heading from west to east. After it moved to a couple of miles distance, it began to climb towards the clouds above, and quickly disappeared from their view.The man who reported this sighting has worked in the airplane industry for over 30 years, and is knowledgeable of almost anything that flies in the skies, but the two objects he saw on this night have him still searching for an explanation.Our second report comes from Limburg, and occurred in August, 2008. The witness, a man, was sitting outside on his terrace along with his brother and sister-in-law. They had come for a visit from Denmark. It was about 10.00 PM, with a dense cloud ceiling when the sighting occurred.

Best UFO Cases of the 1950s

If anyone mentions the word UFO, somewhere in the conversation Roswell will come up. Just as the Hill Abduction Case is used to judge alien abduction reports, Roswell is the bread and butter of Ufology. This one case will keep Ufology going, even through its darkest days. The case is never over, there is never an end to the witness lists, and the discussion goes on and on. Roswell is the very heart of the study of UFOs. This distinction is very well earned.

  1951-The Lubbock Lights 

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  A group of Texas Tech professors saw numerous groups of racing lights one night while sitting outside. The sighting was reported, but the local Air Force denied that any planes were flying that night. 18-year old Carl Hart Jr would take five photographs of the fast moving objects, which would become known as the Lubbock Lights.
1952-UFOs buzz Washington D. C.

UFOs buzzed the White House, the Capitol building, and the Pentagon. Seemingly the unknown objects were defying the very governmental agencies sworn to protect the United States from foreign powers. Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base picked up a number of UFOs on their radar screens on July 19, 1952, beginning a wave of sightings still unexplained to this day. Numerous photographs were taken of the unknown objects.

1955-The Kelly, Kentucky Alien Invasion

One of the most bizarre accounts of alien contact on record. The Sutton family farmhouse was under siege from small alien beings for several hours one night. Family members shot at the beings, but without effect. The beings had claw-like hands, and large ears. This account has never been debunked. Family members drew pictures of the strange beings.
1957-Levelland, Texas UFO Landing

No less than 8 official sightings, including policemen, would highlight a night of terror in a small Texas town. UFOs were flying, hovering, and even landing on the roads around Levelland. Police officers gave testimony to the US Air Force. One of the best documented cases in UFO annals.



1965-Exeter, New Hampshire UFO Sightings

A series of UFO sightings took place which gained vast media attention, and became the subject of the book, "Incident at Exeter," by John G. Fuller. The sensational happenings were also featured in a two-part article in "Look" magazine. Many eyewitness accounts by respected community members make this one of the best cases.
1965-The Kecksburg, Pennsylvania Crash

What exactly soared through the late afternoon skies of Canada, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania on December 5, 1965? Eye witnesses described the unknown object as a "fireball," but it seemed to be under some type of intelligent control, as it veered somewhat in Ohio toward the Quaker State. The fiery object crashed into a wooded area near Westmoreland County.
1967-UFO Landing at Falcon Lake, Canada

While prospecting for silver near Falcon Lake, Steven Michalak was astonished to see several strange objects in the sky. One hovered, and then landed. Michalak ventured close enough to touch the landed craft, and look inside. He was subsequently burned on the chest by an exhaust vent.
1973-Pascagoula, Mississippi Abduction

The strange case of nineteen-year-old Calvin Parker, and forty-two-year-old Charles Hickson actually began a day before their famous encounter. On October 10, 1973, fifteen different people, including two policemen, reported seeing a large, silver UFO slowly fly over a housing project in St. Tammany Parish, New Orleans, Louisiana. Only a scant 24 hours later, Hickson and Parker would have the scare of their lives; a frightening encounter with an eerie UFO, and occupants.
1977-The Colares Island UFO

A most unusual, yet highly documented case of UFOs over the Island of Colares. For many nights residents of the island community flee from sensational light beams that injure many and kill 2. The residents state that they were knocked unconscious and awoke anemic. The military took many hours of film of the unknown flying objects.

1980-Cash / Landrum UFO Encounter

An extremely haunting UFO sighting was an event which took place in the Piney Woods of Texas, near the town of Huffman. On the chilly night of December 29, 1980, two women and one child encountered a craft of unknown origin, and all three suffered not only emotional trauma, but severe physical injury as well.
1989-The Belgian Triangle Incident

One of the most profound and well documented UFO waves. All of the reports related a large object flying at low altitude. The craft was of a flat, triangular shape, with lights underneath. This giant craft made not a sound as it slowly, fearlessly, moved across the landscape of Belgium. There was free sharing of information as the Belgian populace tracked this craft as it moved from the town of Liege to the border of the Netherlands and Germany.
1992-UFO Crashes into South Haven

An alien space craft crashed into a remote area of Southaven Park in Shirley just before Thanksgiving, 1992. The incident happened just after 7:00 P.M. on the night of November 24, according to John Ford, chairman of the Long Island U.F.O. Network, who said that it has taken his group six months to do a thorough investigation.
1995-American West Airline 564 UFO

A cigar-shaped object with a row of brightly flashing lights along its length was observed over the Texas panhandle by the crew of a westward bound America West B-757 airliner on May 25, 1995. The case was thoroughly investigated by Walter N. Webb on behalf of the UFO Research Coalition, who interviewed the crew and air traffic controllers. Webb also obtained a copy of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) voice tapes of conversations between airplane and ground during the sighting.
1997-The Phoenix Lights

Like a scene from a Sci-Fi movie, a huge, circular object slowly moved over the city of Phoenix and surrounding areas. Numerous photographs, and an abundance of video film make this one of the best documented cases in UFO history. Numerous eye witness accounts recount a large, slow moving triangular shaped UFO.
UFO Sighting Reports, Posted 01-08-09

In Borneo, a professional photographer captures a UFO from his hotel room. An eyewitness reports three objects move in a straight line across the sky. Also, in Great Britain, shopper watches a UFO for two minutes. In Ukraine, two witnesses see six red objects in the sky.
UFO Sighting Reports,Posted 01-15-09

In Arizona, witness sees a white orb descend at a rapid pace to the ground. In Florida, a motorist saw an object in cloud. Colors changed from white to yellow. In Michigan, a motorist sees an unknown object moving in a rotation, like a top. In Oregon, a walker heard a thunderous sound, went for cover, and saw a V-shaped object.
UFO Sighting Reports, Posted 01-22-09

A man sitting outside his home in Florida, sees a large, circular UFO. In Indiana, witness reports a solid, structured object in the sky. A motorist in Nebraska reports a large, circular object moving at high rate of speed. From Northern Ireland comes a report of two, yellow objects of unknown origin.

UFO Sighting Reports, Posted 02-06-09

Our first report is from California, where a man saw unknown lights sitting still in the night skies. From Florida we have a report from a witness who saw a boomerang-shaped object with red lights come from nowhere, and move over a nearby tree line.In Pennsylvania, a man driving home from work reports a UFO with a red flashing light, and from Tennessee we have a report from a man and his fiance, who while driving home, see a large, bright object they could not identify.

UFO Sighting Reports, Posted 02-20-09

A man in California reports the sighting of a yellow-glowing unknown object which never moved. From Florida we have a report made by four men who see an object so large that it occupied 1 / 4 of the sky.A man driving home from work in Michigan sees a very bright object which changed colors from orange to red. From Texas comes a report from a man, who while driving on the highway, sees a dark object that followed his car

UFO Sighting Reports, Posted 09-24-09
We have a report from woman in Alabama, who saw a dark, round object with a lime-green glow. In Arizona, a man and woman traveling on I-8, report 4 unknown objects. From Indiana, we have a report of a UFO in the vicinity of Evansville Regional Airport. And finally, from New Jersey a man reports a shiny UFO near an airplane.
UFO Sighting Reports, Posted 10-01-09

In Elgin, Illinois, five people witness a strange object move across the sky. In Montana, while walking down the street, two people witness a triangle UFO. A man and woman witness a brightly glowing object in Nevada, and lastly, four or five lights are seen in Oregon.
UFO Sighting Reports 01-07 2010From Florida we have a report of a star-shaped object which moved through the midst of three small planes. In Nevada, a family traveling on I-80 saw a number of red lights in the sky. This event changed a skeptic into a believer.From Oregon, a man reports he saw a cigar-shaped UFO move over a grocery store in a driving rain storm. Finally, we have an incredible sighting from Tennessee which repeated itself several times.
Current UFO Sighting Reports - 01-14-2010

This week we have reports from California, Kentucky, Nevada, and New Mexico. Our California report comes from a woman who, while taking down outside Christmas lights, saw her neighbors looking up into the sky. She joined them, and saw an object with blinking lights sitting stationary in the sky. A couple of motorists in Kentucky saw six orange lights slowly moving just off of the side of the highway. Other vehicles were pulled on the side, with witnesses watching the objects for up to five minutes.In Nevada, a man saw a spinning, star-like object in Reno, and in New Mexico, a man and his mother saw one bright, unknown, orange object, then another, and then another.
UFO Sighting Reports, Posted 09-24-09

We have a report from woman in Alabama, who saw a dark, round object with a lime-green glow. In Arizona, a man and woman traveling on I-8, report 4 unknown objects. From Indiana, we have a report of a UFO in the vicinity of Evansville Regional Airport. And finally, from New Jersey a man reports a shiny UFO near an airplane
UFO Sighting Reports, Posted 10-01-09

In Elgin, Illinois, five people witness a strange object move across the sky. In Montana, while walking down the street, two people witness a triangle UFO. A man and woman witness a brightly glowing object in Nevada, and lastly, four or five lights are seen in Oregon.
UFO Cornerstone:

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Quick Death:

When the first reports of a crashed alien craft reached the general public, many felt that the long awaited proof of extraterrestrial intelligence had come. The news spread world wide when the Air Force announced that they had a flying saucer in their possession. But hopes were soon dashed, as a second news flash proclaimed that it was nothing more than a weather balloon. The general public felt differently then-they believed anything they were told by officials of our government. This innocent obedience would not work a second time.

The Resurrection:

Yet, the enormous public interest in the case would be revitalized. After an almost 30 year absence from study, the Roswell case would again take its rightful place in 1976, and since then, it has been as popular as any other case study. Thanks be to Ufologists William Moore, and Stanton R. Friedman, who were studying notes from an interview that Friedman had conducted. The interview was with Jesse Marcel Sr. Intelligence Officer at Roswell Air Force Base, and Lydia Sleppy, who was employed at radio station KOAT at the time of the Roswell crash.

A Lone Rancher:

During the first week of July, 1947 sheep rancher William W. "Mac" Brazel was making his rounds of the Foster Ranch, located near Corona. Brazel served as foreman of the facility. Brazel lived on the ranch in a farm house, although his wife and children lived in Tularosa, to receive better schooling for this children. Brazel would become a major figure in the Roswell case, although he never desired the attention it sent his way.
Debris Found:

Brazel, home for the night, was listening to a roaring thunderstorm, not uncommon for his location, but this night it seemed worse than ever. He thought that maybe he had heard an explosion. The next morning, he was out again, checking the livestock, and riding fences for any breaks. A seven-year-old neighbor boy was with him. Riding into an open field, the two horsemen noticed a large area filled with some type of debris or wreckage. The wreckage was tiny pieces of shiny, metallic material. This material was unfamiliar to the rancher.
Headlines Claim "Flying Saucer" Found:

Marcel examined the strange material, and even took some of it home with him. He informed Air Force officials of what he had seen, and Colonel Blanchard gave an order to Colonel Walter Haut, instructing him to inform the media that the Air Force had in its possession a "crashed saucer." Haut claimed that the saucer debris was sent to the 8th Air Force, under the leadership of General Ramey in Ft. Worth, Texas. Meanwhile, the famous newspaper headlines were released:
"RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region."The shocking admission would soon be retracted, and the flying saucer became a weather balloon.
Marcell Notified of Debris:

Brazel collected some of the unknown debris, and showed it George Wilcox, of the Chaves County Sheriff's Office. At first, Wilcox thought little of the material, until he began to handle it. It was not like anything he had seen before. Wilcox was concerned enough to call Roswell Army Air Field. He talked to Major Jesse A. Marcel, and explained the situation of the discovery of the material at the Foster ranch. Marcell left the base to come to Roswell and see the material.
Marcell's Findings:

After interviewing Brazel, Marcell was on the way to the debris field, accompanied by Army Counter Intelligence Corps officer Sheridan Cavitt and Brazel. Marcell related the events of the search through the debris in his own words:"When we arrived at the crash site, it was amazing to see the vast amount of area it covered... it scattered over an area of about three quarters of a mile long, I would say, and fairly wide, several hundred feet wide. It was definitely not a weather or tracking device, nor was it any sort of plane or missile.
The Military's Actions:

Soon, rumors were running rampant at the base, and word was beginning to filter into Roswell about dead alien bodies. Although the military had secured the site of the crash, and supposedly removed every bit of debris, there is never 100% silent obedience for an event this dramatic. Any reasonable person will wonder that if the debris came from a weather balloon, why the secrecy? Front page photographs of so-called weather balloon debris would later be disputed by Marcel as not being the same material he brought to the base.
The Story That Will Not Die:

Although the theories about Roswell are composed of many conflicting accounts, some facts are clear. Something important crashed near Corona-important enough that witnesses were threatened if they revealed what they saw. There are too many witnesses who claim to have seen the alien bodies. There is adequate evidence to assume that autopsies were done on at least one alien body, and probably more.Numerous times, the Air Force has been adamant that there is nothing to the crash, but too many times witnesses have come forward with first hand knowledge of a crashed UFO, dead alien bodies, and a military cover-up.




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